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Занятия проходят по воскресеньям с 2 часов дня до 3:30 в Русском культурном центре «Наш Техас»

An American Dream turned into reality today when I took the oath of office to serve as the U.S. Representative for New York’s 11th Congressional District.

A state-funded program that gives traumatized military veterans a chance to receive one-to-one counseling from other veterans is slated to be eliminated, according to two Brooklyn lawmakers who are fighting to save it.

Thank you Mr. President for the invitation and the honor of bringing my parents to the #WhiteHouse for this year’s signing of the proclamation.‬ Nicole Malliotakis.

Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (R,C,I,Ref-Brooklyn, Staten Island), Assemblyman Felix Ortiz (D-Kings), Kings County American Legion and Sons of the American Legion, holding a press conference on Friday, March 22 at the Fort Hamilton Army Base. =VIDEO=

Nicole Malliotakis is a Republican member of the New York State Assembly, representing District 64. Malliotakis was elected to the office in 2010. On January 25, 2019, Malliotakis announced her candidacy for New York's 11th Congressional District in 2020.[1]

Татьяна Щёголева родилась в Харькове 1988-м году эмигрировала с семьёй в Америку. Публиковалась в литературных изданиях: "Общая тетрадь", "Неразведенные мосты", "Нам не дано предугадать", “День русской зарубежной поэзии», а также в журналах: "Метро", "Листья", “Гостиная”, "Пилюли смеха"; газетах: "Форвертс", "Дэвидсон", "Новый Меридиан", в альманахах: «Пушкин в Британии», «День русской зарубежной поэзии».

Дата уточняются, осень 2020 года, в 7:00 часов вечера. Master Theater, 1029 Brighton Beach Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11235. Цена билетов от $45 до $150.

“I had a very encouraging conversation with President Trump and [House GOP} Leader [Kevin] McCarthy and today I filed my paperwork so I can begin raising funds. I will be making an announcement at the appropriate time,” Malliotakis said in a statement to The Post.

Democrats attempted to slip in a bill that would automatically register driver's license applicants to vote

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