

Written on Mar, 20 2016 05:51 Event's date: Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Sunday March 20th, 3:00 PM, Colden Auditorium, Queens College.

The New Shanghai Circus celebrates the wonders of China while showcasing the dramatic interpretation of classic Chinese dance and performance art dating back to the harvest festivals of 2,000 years ago. Featuring spectacular backdrops, beautiful costuming, and state-of-the-art lighting, this show is a thrill a minute!

This innovative and internationally renowned troupe of Chinese acrobats, aerialists, and athletes, perform with show-stopping choreography, dazzling lighting, enchanting scenery, and powerful music to create a dynamic and fantastic performance, sure to amaze.

Tickets: $25

Sunday March 20th, 3:00 PM, Colden Auditorium, Queens College.

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