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Medicaid Fraud Attorney


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Адвокатский офис Инны Ферштейн предоставляет помощь в связи с Medicaid, Food Stamps and Public Assistance Fraud Investigations. 

Law Office of Inna Fershteyn provides help with Medicaid Fraud interviews, Food Stamp Fraud and Medicaid Fraud investigations. Attorney Inna Fershteyn is a leading Medicaid Fraud attorney, registered in both NY and NJ for more than 17 years. She provides representation for both providers and recipients.

Contact an attorney immediately if you received a letter from HR Administration.

Наш офис расположен по адресу 1517 Voorhies Avenue, Suite 4, Brooklyn, NY 11235

Tel.: 718-333-2394

  •  Territory:CT NJ NY NC PA RI
  •  Section: Other (from Medicine, Health), Other (from Services), Financial Services (from Services)

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